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When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
When the sky is on fire And the heavens descend All you can do is just keep on breathing Y
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Слова ранят. Чувства лечат. Доверяйте чувствам, а не словам.