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Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
Love is timing. Love needs just the right time. Its not because you loved hi
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Днем вывешивается объявление, что поездов сегодня больше не будет. Никто не трогается с меДитя слова:
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Слова ранят. Чувства лечат. Доверяйте чувствам, а не словам.