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When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
When youre talkin to yourself and nobodys home You can fool yourself you came in this Когд
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Times short your lifes your own And in the Времени мало, а жизнь всего одна. И в конце конЧернила:
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We got everything you want honey, we know the names We are the У нас есть все, что тебе ну