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From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
From the sky You can push a button - And thousands die In a split second. But in the trenc
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